Sunday, August 9, 2009


I didn't realize we had so many mosquitoes here.  The boys were playing outside on Friday at 4:00 for about a half an hour, and they (mostly Caden) were covered in bites.  Last night my aunt tried to count all the bites on Caden's legs--the picture doesn't do him justice--and she lost count.  They both have bites on their faces, close to their eyes.  This morning, right after he got up, Dallin could hardly open his eye it was so swollen.  These pictures were several hours later and, believe me, he looks much better in them.  Next time I send my boys out, I'm going to rub them with Bounce and hope that works!


Allison said...

I remember once getting two mosquito bites on my eyelid and being unable to open my eye in the morning. It was Sunday and when we went to church everyone thought I had a black eye (though it was pink, not black). Are you beating your kids?

lawanna said...

I remember that. And that's just what Steve said too. "Great, we're in a new ward and now they're all going to think we beat our kids!" :)