Sunday, January 3, 2010

First word

That's right! Andrew said his first word today! I feel like I've been pushing for it for a while. I always try and get him to repeat words that would be meaning full for him, mama, dada, etc., but he just looks at me and smiles. He makes the sounds when he's just playing around, but not communicating. He even shakes his head and says "Uh uh" but he's just playing. This morning I walked past him and didn't stop. He started whining, crawled after me and cried out, "Mama!" It was the sweetest whine I've heard in a long time!

1 comment:

Jon and Becky said...

Ahhh...that's so cute! I love when they start saying mama. You just want to pick them up and give them whatever they want. Sweet little guy.